- Puss1
- / киса, тж. кличка кошки. Laß mich mal deine Pussi streicheln!
Deutsch-Russisches Woerterbuch der umgangssprachlichen und saloppen. 2013.
Deutsch-Russisches Woerterbuch der umgangssprachlichen und saloppen. 2013.
puss — puss1 pusslike, adj. /poos/, n. 1. a cat. 2. Informal. a girl or woman: often used as a form of affectionate address. 3. Brit. a hare. [1520 30; akin to D poes, LG puus katte, dial. Sw kattepus, Norw puse(kat)] puss2 … Universalium
puss — puss1 noun informal 1》 a cat. 2》 a coquettish girl or young woman: a glamour puss. Origin C16: prob. from Mid. Low Ger. pūs or Du. poes. puss2 noun N. Amer. informal or Irish & Scottish a person s face or mouth. Origin C19: from Ir. pus lip,… … English new terms dictionary
pussy — pussy1 /poos ee/, n., pl. pussies. 1. a cat, esp. a kitten. 2. the game of tipcat. 3. the tapering piece of wood used in tipcat. [1575 85; PUSS1 + Y2] pussy2 /pus ee/, adj., pussier, pussiest. M … Universalium
wuss — /woos/, n. Slang. a weakling; wimp. [1980 85; perh. b. WIMP and PUSS1] * * * … Universalium
pussy — pus|sy [ˈpusi] n plural pussies informal [Sense: 1, 3; Date: 1700 1800; Origin: PUSS1] [Sense: 2; Date: 1800 1900; Origin: puss female sex organs (17 20 centuries), perhaps from Low German or a Scandinavian language.] … Dictionary of contemporary English
pussy — I. /ˈpʊsi / (say poosee) noun (plural pussies) 1. a cat. 2. → tipcat. –verb (i) 3. Colloquial to move (in, about, etc.) quietly and conspicuously: just pussy in there when you can. {diminutive of puss1 …
sourpuss — /ˈsaʊəpʊs/ (say sowuhpoos) noun Colloquial someone having a sour or gloomy disposition; an embittered person. {sour + puss1} …
wuss — /wʊs/ (say woos) noun Colloquial an overly timid or ineffectual person, especially a male; wimp. Also, wus, wooz /wʊz/ (say wooz). {? blend of wimp1 and puss1} –wussy, adjective …
puss — puss1 [poos] n. [orig. ? echoic of the spitting of a cat: akin to Du poes, Swed dial. pus, LowG puus, cat] 1. a cat: pet name or child s term 2. a girl or young woman: term of affection puss2 [poos] n. [< Irish pus, mouth] Slang ☆ 1 … English World dictionary
pussy — pussy1 [pus′ē] adj. pussier, pussiest containing or like pus pussy2 [poos′ē] n. pl. pussies [dim. of PUSS1] 1. a cat, esp. a kitten: pet name or child s term 2. Informal … English World dictionary