- See1
- m -s, -n шутл. лужа. Der Kleine hat einen See mitten ins Zimmer gemacht.
Deutsch-Russisches Woerterbuch der umgangssprachlichen und saloppen. 2013.
Deutsch-Russisches Woerterbuch der umgangssprachlichen und saloppen. 2013.
see — see1 seeable, adj. seeableness, n. /see/, v., saw, seen, seeing. v.t. 1. to perceive with the eyes; look at. 2. to view; visit or attend as a spectator: to see a play. 3. to perceive by means of computer vision. 4. to scan or v … Universalium
See — See1 der; s, Seen [ zeː(ə)n]; eine relativ große Fläche auf dem (Fest)Land, die mit Wasser gefüllt ist <in einem See baden, schwimmen; auf einem See segeln, surfen; über den See rudern>ː Der Bodensee ist der größte See in Deutschland || K … Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache
see — see1 W1S1 [si:] v past tense saw [so: US so:] past participle seen [si:n] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(notice/examine)¦ 2¦(notice something is true)¦ 3¦(ability to see)¦ 4¦(find out information)¦ 5¦(in the future)¦ 6¦(where information is)¦ 7¦(understand)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
see — see1 [ si ] (past tense saw [ sɔ ] ; past participle seen [ sin ] ) verb *** ▸ 1 notice with eyes/look at ▸ 2 meet/visit someone ▸ 3 for more information ▸ 4 understand something ▸ 5 consider particular way ▸ 6 imagine someone/something ▸ 7 find… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
see — see1 verb (sees, seeing, saw; past participle seen) 1》 perceive with the eyes. ↘watch (a game, film, or other entertainment). ↘experience or witness (an event or situation). 2》 deduce after reflection or from information. ↘ascertain… … English new terms dictionary
Manually Coded English — (MCE) is a general term used to describe a variety of visual communication methods expressed through the hands which attempt to represent the English language. Unlike deaf sign languages which have evolved naturally in deaf communities, the… … Wikipedia
See a man about a dog — To see a man, to see a man about a dog, or to see a man about a horse is an English language colloquialism, usually used as a smiling apology for one s departure or absence generally as a bland euphemism to conceal one s true purpose.… … Wikipedia
see — see1 [sē] vt. saw, seen, seeing [ME seen < OE seon (< * sehwan), akin to Ger sehen, Goth saihwan < IE base * sekw , to observe, show, see, tell: see SAY] 1. a) to get knowledge or an awareness of through the eyes; perceive visually; look … English World dictionary
Trier-Saarburg — District Country … Wikipedia
Denise Ho — Chinese name 何韻詩 (Traditional) Chinese name 何韵诗 (Simplified) … Wikipedia
John See — Sir John See KCMG, (14 October 1844 – 31 January 1907) was a member of the New South Wales Legislature from November 26, 1880 to June 15, 1901, and was then Premier of New South Wales from 1901 1904.See was a self made man of strong character, an … Wikipedia